Monday, November 26, 2012

Skateboarding as a Hobby

             A recent hobby or sport I have seen many people around the city do is long-boarding.  It is just skateboarding with a bigger size board.  I have always wanted to try this activity, but since I do not have the greatest balance I have always been afraid.  The other day I finally decided to give it a try and I bought a board.  Since it takes me thirty minutes to walk to school every day, I thought that it is a good way for me to get to school faster while having fun at the same time.  These past few days have been a very interesting experience so far with my long-board.  It is a lot of fun to do, but it is so hard!  I have fallen off plenty of times, and the worst part was on Ramblas de Catalunya when I skated into a man walking with his family!  He screamed out in pain and I felt so bad for him, but I apologized a lot and he understood that it was an accident.  I do not trust myself on a skateboard!  I just hope that with every new day, I will get better, so that next time I will not endanger anyone else around me.
            From what I have seen around the city, it is a popular activity that many people do.  In America, only youths skateboard, but here I see older men and women also skating through the streets, which is really cool and surprising to me.  In the United States, many people think less of those that skate because they think they are bad kids or something like that, but here it seems to be accepted.  I do not know why it is viewed differently back in my country, because it is only a fun hobby.  Hopefully by the end of the semester I will be good enough to not kill myself!  Wish me luck!

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