Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Catalan News: FCB Defends Use of Catalan!
I read an article that came out today about Football Club Barcelona’s response to the recent proposal drafted by Spain’s minister of education, culture and sport, Jose Wert.  Mr. Wert, a couple weeks ago, announced his plans to change the current education legislation so that it would be mandatory in all parts of Spain to teach Castilian.  I did not know this until reading the article, but in Catalunya, Spanish classes are not obligatory in state schools, but rather are optional to the students.  This new law would mean that every child and student would be forced to take Castilian language courses, to which FC Barcelona replied, “Our language, like our club, is an element of integration which permits us to identify with our country [Catalunya]”.  This region uses an “immersion teaching” system which propagates the use of its language, and this proposed change to legislation would essentially be another form of killing the Catalan language.  The football club also added that it “energetically asserts its right to use the Catalan language and the model of language immersion that has been in force in Catalonia over the last 34 years.”
It is very nice to hear how supportive the club is for this region of Spain and its historic culture.  The best way to keep Catalunya from dying away is to have such strong supporters like FCB, because people from across the country and the world will listen to them!  I think this new legislation they want to pass is ridiculous, because it does not take into account the local customs of the various regions in Spain.  Instead, the government in Madrid is trying to blanket the entire country with their policies and their beliefs, which kills culture!  This is something that gets me very angry, because I took a class on globalization in the world, and this is exactly the sort of topic we would discuss.  Just because one civilization does something their way, doesn’t mean the rest should have to do the same.  Societies and cultures are unique for a reason, and that should not change!  I only hope the minister of education will not be successful in his attempt.

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